Water Safety
Summer is now in full swing, and the more nice days we encounter, the more we get tempted to avoid our common sense in pursuit of enjoying all the water has to offer.
If you are responsible for children it becomes even more important.
Whether you are at the beach, at a pool or at a nearby lake, on the Sound, or at the shore, make it common practice to have a life jacket on when you are in the water. A life preserver and a life jacket should be an essential accessory.
If you are boating, law requires boaters to have enough life vests for everyone on board, and ages 12 and younger are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket at all times when the boat is under way.
Also, I encourage all families to consider enrolling children in swimming lessons. Swim lessons will teach children not only how to tread water but also how to stay float and keep close to shore.
Stay Safe and Enjoy the Water.