Blog 2017


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Posted On: March 20, 2017

The Origins of Spring Cleaning

According to Wikipedia, spring cleaning refers to "the yearly act of cleaning a house from top to bottom which would take place in the first warm days of the year, typically in the spring."

It has been suggested that the origins date back to the Iranian Norouz, the Persian new year which falls on the first day of spring. Iranians continue the practice of "khooneh tekouni" which literally means "shaking the house" just before the new year.

Other cultures which participate in full house cleanings are:

  1. The Jewish culture cleanses the home in preparation of Passover (I don't remember my Kessler family doing this one!!)
  2. The Greek call the week before lent "Clean Week" and clean their homes thoroughly inside and out.
  3. "New Years’ Cleaning" is a tradition that the Scottish practice on Hogmanay which falls on December 31st.

So no matter how long ago it started, get out there and get cleaning!



Posted On: March 15, 2017

The Ides of March is a day on the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. The death of Caesar made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history, as one of the events that marked the transition from the historical period known as the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire

Although March was the third month of the Julian calendar, in the oldest Roman calendar it was the first month of the year. The holidays observed by the Romans from the first through the Ides often reflect their origin as new-year celebrations



Posted On: March 13, 2017

NASA tracks down two lost spacecraft

You might think that losing a spaceship would be tricky, given how big they are, but NASA has announced that it’s found not one but two errant spacecraft thanks to a new telescope technique.

The craft – the tiny and dormant Indian Chandrayaan-1 spaceship, launched in 2008, and a NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, launched in 2009  – were both orbiting the moon, which made it hard to spot them “hidden in the bright glare of the moon”, said NASA.

“Finding LRO was relatively easy as … we had precise orbit data where it was located,” said Marina Brozovic, a radar scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Finding India’s Chandrayaan-1 required a bit more detective work because the last contact with the spacecraft was in August of 2009.”

The scientists used a new application of interplanetary radar to detect and track small spacecraft, which could in future play a part in missions to the moon.   naked security



Posted On: March 08, 2017

Oil is the lifeblood of your engine, and like a blood test, an oil analysis can identify potential problems before they become major ones

An oil sample analysis (OSA) evaluates the levels and types of metals and the presence of such contaminants as abrasives, soot, water, fuel, and engine coolant in the oil of gas and diesel engines. A lab report will flag any suspected anomalies, state possible causes, and offer some plain-English recommendations. Typical conditions that can be found by analysis include abnormal wear of metals, fuel dilution, dirt or water contamination, coolant contamination, and incorrect lubricant. Discovering any out-of-range condition early can prevent expensive repairs later on. For instance, fuel dilution will accelerate cylinder and bearing wear. High levels of solids will cause wear on bearings, pistons, cylinders, and the valve train. Excessive soot in a diesel engine can be caused by dirty injectors, weak ignition, low compression, or restricted intake or exhaust, among other things. Simply servicing a dirty injector can save an engine rebuild if caught in time.

Most OSAs will include the following:

  • Spectral Exam: A spectrometer is used to find the quantity of various metals and additives in the sample — useful for finding excessive wear in bearings, pistons, rings, cylinders, valve train, and gears. It also determines the composition of any oil additives.
  • Viscosity Test: The thickness of the oil at a specific temperature is tested — useful for finding fuel dilution, the breakdown of viscosity enhancers, or other contamination.
  • Flash Point: Tests the temperature at which vapor from the oil ignites — contamination can cause a specific grade oil to flash higher or lower than the design flash point.
  • Insolubles Test: Insolubles are typically abrasive solids — high readings are usually byproducts of incomplete combustion.

OSA is more useful as a tool to monitor a specific engine and/or transmission over time rather than as a one-time evaluation. Small changes, which may not look significant in a single analysis, will stand out if there are prior samples on record. For example, a higher lead or tin level than in past reports, while still within normal ranges, could alert you to accelerated plain bearing wear. That's not to say that OSA on a one-time basis isn't useful. A single sample (often performed in the course of a pre-purchase survey) will indicate a serious condition that deserves further investigation. However, a one-time analysis has to be carefully reviewed and interpreted prior to waving a red flag. The machinery total hours, type of machinery and use, type of oil and hours on the oil, knowledge of average baselines common to a particular unit—such context is important. This is where you may need the services of a knowledgeable marine-engine technician or surveyor; she can review the report in light of all known information, and then make recommendations.

I've found that many brokers dislike one-time samples because of questions that can arise due to lack of experience and the lack of a detailed service history typical of many vessels. The less knowledge there is about the sample taken, the broader the interpretation of the results must be. I recommend OSAs every year, more often for high-usage engines or for those that have red flags from previous analysis.



Posted On: March 06, 2017

Here’s a  gem I read from Harvey Mackey

A woman received a phone call at work that her daughter was very sick with a fever.  She left the office and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication, but when she got back to her car, she discovered that she’d locked her keys inside.
Desperate, she started to pray:  “Dear God, please help me get back in my car so I can help my daughter.”
Just then a man pulled up on a motorcycle.  He had a long beard and his arms were covered with tattoos.  He asked what the matter was, and the tearful mother told him.
“Don’t worry,” the biker said.  “I can get inside the car.”  He went into the drugstore and came out with a coat hanger.  In minutes, he had the door open. 
“Oh, thank you!” the woman cried. “I prayed for someone to help me, and God sent me the kindest man in the world!” 
Embarrassed, the man took a step backward.  “I’m not actually a good person, ma’am.  In fact, I just got out of prison last week for stealing cars.” 
The woman looked up toward heaven.  “Thank you, God, for sending me a professional!” 
Whenever I need to get something done, and I realize I don’t have the skills for the job,
I hire a professional.  Maybe you need help designing a marketing piece or a website.  Or you are writing a book and need a professional editor.  How about public speaking or planning a special event?  You will save yourself many headaches and mistakes if you hire a true professional.  After all, you want the best results possible.
And most of the time, the payoff far exceeds the expense.  
Professionals are knowledgeable, experienced, focused and most importantly, they are cool under pressure and used to dealing with the unexpected.  They are not infallible and still make mistakes, but they are better equipped with dealing with them.
We all have specific skills, but we can’t know everything.  There is no glory in trying to fix a problem if your efforts only make matters worse.  You think you will save time and money? It’s far less expensive to swallow your pride than to choke on arrogance. 
If I want to learn a new skill, I hire a professional coach to teach it to me.  I want to practice the right concepts, so I won’t get it wrong.  Practice makes perfect … not true.  You have to add one word … Perfect practice makes perfect.
Legendary Dallas Cowboys Coach Tom Landry explains, “A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”
Over my lifetime, I’ve had numerous professional coaches to help me develop whatever natural talent I may have.  I understand that I will never be as good as the coaches I’ve hired, but I can surely improve on my limited abilities.  So I go to the people who know what they are doing. 
I’ve hired professional coaches for public speaking, writing, ideas/creativity, foreign languages, running marathons, golf, tennis, water and down-hill skiing, swimming, dancing, bowling, boxing, scuba diving, ice skating, basketball and many others. 
I’m not spending a single penny; I’m making an investment in myself.  And, believe me, it comes back ten-fold.
Many times over the years when I’ve purchased a new electronic gadget, I’ve hired the person who sold me the device and paid them to come to my office to teach me how to use it.  Technology can be difficult for me, so I hire a pro to teach me and take copious notes.  Does that seem frivolous?  Not to me.  The sooner I can be up and running, the more efficiently I can work.
The old saying, “time is money,” is so true.  Why waste your time and money when so much help is available to enable you to save both time and money in the long run?    
I’ve been on the other side of the equation too.  I’ve been honored to be asked to be a mentor, usually not paid, to help aspiring salespeople and entrepreneurs hone their skills.  It’s so rewarding to pass along professional knowledge and experiences.  If I can steer someone away from making a monumental mistake, I’m satisfied.  I want to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism so that they understand the importance of seeking the best advice.



Posted On: March 01, 2017

Launch Into Spring    Part 2

Complete safety inspection of the engine, hull, and other systems, We recommend utilizing a professional if you are not mechanically inclined.

In the Water

  • Check the engine shaft and rudder stuffing boxes for steady leaks and looseness. Some weeping or even an occasional drip should be evident at the engine-shaft stuffing box (not the rudder). If leaking can’t be stopped by tightening the nut, repack the gland. (Caution: Over-tightening the nut prevents leaking underway, which will burn out the packing material.)
  • Use a hose to check for deck leaks at ports and hatches. Renew caulk or gaskets as needed. Don’t rely on a bilge pump to overcome a multitude of deck leaks.

Engines and Fuel Systems

  • Inspect fuel lines, including fill and vent hoses, for indications of softness, brittleness, or cracking. Any that are suspect should be replaced with Coast Guard-approved J1527 hose. Check joints for leaks (or use your finger and look for stains under or around the fitting) and make sure all lines are well supported with non-combustible clips or straps without rough edges.
  • Inspect outer jacket. Cracks or swelling indicate corrosion and mean the cable must be replaced. (Note: Don’t try to remedy the problem by squirting lubricant into the cracks or wrapping duct tape around the outer jacket; most lubricants are incompatible and will only make things worse.
  • Inspect all fuel-system components for leaks -- fuel tanks, fuel pumps, filters. A dry rag can be used at connections or trust your nose. Clamps should be snug and free of heavy rust.
  • Clean fuel filters
  • Exhaust manifolds should be removed and inspected every few years for corrosion, which could be restricting water flow.
  • Clean and tighten electrical connections, especially both ends of battery cables. Loose connections can “arc,” which creates an enormous amount of heat and is a fire hazard. Studs, nuts, and washers should be copper -- not aluminum or steel. Dissimilar metals have the potential to cause galvanic corrosion. Problems ranging from a weak contact to arcing could be the result of poor washer choice. Wire brush batter terminals and fill cells with distilled water.
  • Cooling hoses and fittings should fit snugly and be double-clamped. Hoses showing signs of age -- rot, stiffness, bulges, leaks, and/or cracking -- should be replaced.
  • Inspect bilge blower hose for leaks.



Sailboat Rigging

  • Fittings, especially swage fittings, should be inspected for cracks and rust. Wire halyards and running backstays also should be inspected for “fishhooks” and rust, which snag fingers and indicate that the standing rigging is nearing the end of its useful life. Ensure spreaders bisect the shrouds at equal angles.
  • Remove tape on turnbuckles and lubricate threads (preferably with Teflon). Give the turnbuckle a twist or two to prevent mechanical freezing. Replace with fresh tape.
  • Chainplates mounted through the deck should be caulked as necessary, preferably every two or three years. Leaks can cause problems, ranging from delaminated cores to rotted bulkheads. Hint: Remove ALL old caulking.



Posted On: February 27, 2017

Launch Into Spring  Part 1

Here’s a Spring Fitting Out Safety Checklist.

Complete A safety inspection of the engine, hull, and other systems.

We recommend using the services of a qualified professional if you aren’t comfortable with the tasks.

Out of the Water

  • Inspect and lubricate seacocks. Hoses and hose clamps (two at each fitting below or near the waterline) should be inspected and replaced as necessary. This is also the best time to replace gate valves, if any, with seacocks. Gate valves are prone to failure and not as reliable as seacocks. You also can’t glance at a gate valve to see that it’s been closed.
  • Replace deteriorated zincs. They disintegrate and give a good indication of what would happen to vital underwater machinery if the zincs were not there. Note: If the zinc has vanished or has been reduced to powder, check the other metal surfaces, especially underwater, to ensure they didn’t also suffer from electrolysis. Zincs that disappear after less than a season indicate a serious problem with the boat’s bonding and/or electrical system. (Look first for chafed wires or battery cables, which also can cause a fire.)
  • Inspect prop(s) for dings, pitting, and distortion that can create excessive vibration and can loosen everything from screws and bulkheads to dental fillings. Make sure cotter pins are secure. “Tired” props, incidentally, can be rejuvenated by a machine shop. Finally, grip the prop and try moving the shaft. Looseness indicates the cutlass bearing probably needs to be replaced.
  • Check to make sure the rudder stock hasn’t been bent. Also try moving the rudder: Any looseness must be corrected (the remedy depends on the type of installation).
  • Inspect the hull for blisters, distortion, and stress cracks. Small “pinhead” blisters can be dried, sanded, and filled. Large blisters may require professional attention. Distortion and/or stress cracks are two other hull problems that should be addressed by a marine surveyor or repairer.
  • Make sure the engine intake sea strainer is free of corrosion and is properly secured. Strainers that weren’t drained properly in the fall could’ve been bent by ice over the winter. Replace questionable parts.


Outdrives and Outboards

  • Inspect rubber outdrive bellows for cracked, dried, and/or deteriorated spots (look in the folds). Replace suspect bellows.
  • Replace deteriorated outdrive zincs.
  • Check power steering and power trim oil levels. Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule or use a factory-authorized mechanic.

Control Cables

  • Inspect Outer Jacket. Cracks or swelling indicate corrosion and mean the cable must be replaced. (Note: Don’t try to remedy the problem by squirting lubricant into the cracks or wrapping duct tape around the outer jacket; most lubricants are incompatible and will only make things worse.)




Posted On: February 22, 2017

Washington's Birthday has a history as old as our country. It was celebrated publicly for the first time in the late 18th century, while George Washington was still president.

George Washington was born on either Feb. 11, 1731 or Feb. 22, 1732 depending on which calendar you consult.

At the time, England and its colonies were following the Julian calendar , instituted in 46 B.C. by the eponymous Julius Caesar. By that calendar, Washington was born on Feb. 11, 1731. But in 1752, England switched to the Gregorian calendar, which is still in use today, and that threw everything off.

Washington's Birthday became official in 1885, when President Chester Arthur signed a bill making it a federal holiday. Meanwhile, there was President Lincoln's birthday on Feb. 12, which never became a federal holiday but was celebrated as a legal holiday in many states outside the old Confederacy.

In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act, which moved the official observance of Washington's birthday from Feb. 22 to the third Monday in February. Some reformers had wanted to change the name of the holiday as well, to Presidents' Day, in honor of both Lincoln and Washington, but that proposal was rejected by Congress, and the holiday remained officially Washington's Birthday.

Nevertheless, there was a popular misconception that the day had been officially renamed, a misconception only reinforced by the fact that the third Monday in February can only occur between Feb. 15 and Feb. 21. This means that the holiday is always after Lincoln's birthday and before Washington's birthday, without ever coinciding with either. Furthermore, some states which had previously celebrated Lincoln's Birthday dropped the observance after the federal holiday reforms, supporting the notion that the two presidential birthdays had been combined.

While the name change has never been authorized by Congress, it has gained a strong hold on the public consciousness, and is generally used on calendars, in advertising, and even by many government agencies. There have been attempts to introduce legislation requiring federal agencies to call the day Washington's Birthday, but these have never gotten very far. No matter what's in the law books, the popular usage is now well established.